Friday, July 10, 2009

Stone Mountain Park

Mimi and I took the girls to Stone Mountain Park today. It was a great day because it wasn't so hot and it stayed cloudy most of the time. We rode the train, which is something Hayden loves, and Gracie ate her lunch on the train, which was a little interesting but worked out pretty well. After the train ride Hayden decided she wanted to play a little golf. Mimi and I were going to play too, but she was more excited about putting the golf ball at the hole and trying to hit it in by herself, and when she did get it she would yell "I did it". Everyone around us couldn't help but laugh, Hayden always makes everyone smile (she is just so cute). We made her take a break after her golf game and eat some lunch (we all needed to cool off a minute). Then Hayden wanted to watch the circus show, it was a little silly to Mimi and I, but Hayden thought it was very good. Then we went to an animal show with birds, rats, flying squirrels and snakes (it wasn't as bad as it sounds). Hayden loved it, she has been talking about it all afternoon. She is ready to go back so her Daddy can see it. We are planning another trip to Stone Mountain in the next couple of weeks to watch the Laser Show. We really enjoyed our trip today.

Looks like a professional to me:

Gracie enjoying the ride, and looking cute in her new outfit from Kim and Artie:


  1. It was a wonderful day! I wish you could have seen Hayden when the Hawk and Owl flew right over her head. The first time she didn't know what to expect, but after a little assurance she was fine and loved it. She loved the Owl winking at her. Gracie was a jewel as usual and of course attracted lots of cute comments. We are so blessed to have these two wonderful grandchildren and of course their Mommy and Daddy. I will really miss these special Fridays when they come to an end.



  2. Sounds like a great day! Can't wait until Eli is big enough to enjoy a day out.

  3. So cute! I love the pictures. I hope Mark gets some target practice because they are going to have little boyfriends chasing after them pretty soon!

  4. Mark says they can't have boyfriends until they are 30.
