Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Beach

When Hayden woke up this morning it was like Christmas morning. We arrived at the beach around 12:30 this morning, so she wasn't able to see anything. Watching her face this morning made the 7 hour trip worth it. Hayden asked "Are we there yet" every 2 minutes, and she didn't go to sleep until we were about 30 minutes from the beach. Gracie did good except everytime we stopped the car; she would wake up and start crying. Thank goodness as soon as we were moving again she would go back to sleep. Everyone was very tired when we arrived, so we got the stuff out of the car and went to bed.

This morning we got up about 7:00 and ate a quick breakfast and headed down to the beach. Hayden was so excited she went straight to the ocean(she has always been a water baby). She played in the waves for a little while and then decided she wanted to play in the sand. This is the first year she has even noticed that there is sand.


Gracie didn't know what was going on this morning, this is her first trip to the beach. She really liked the sand; she crawled around everywhere and of course our little Hoover ate some too. She liked the ocean, but is still a little unsure of what is going on. I am sure by the end of the week she will be crawling straight into the water.
I Love This:

Hayden is so excited that everyone is staying in the same house. She is spending time with all her favorite people: Mimi, Pop, Kim , Grandmama, and of course Mommy, Daddy, and Gracie(notice we came last). Gracie is fine as long as she can see Mommy and Daddy, she hasn't figured out how this works yet!!!
It has been a very fun day. I know the rest of the week will be too!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad the travel time went well! Sounds like you have your hands full. Enjoy every minute of it. Hope to see you when you get home.
