Mommy got one:
Friday, July 31, 2009
Ghost Crabs
Last night Mark, Mimi, Mommy and Hayden went looking for ghost crabs on the beach. Once it got good and dark we got Hayden's flashlight and went down. This is something Mark and Kim used to do every year. This was actually my first year, guess I have been missing out all these year because it was so much fun. She was so excited once she realized how many she could see (they were everywhere). She made Mark and I chase the crabs, she was scared they would pinch her (I guess she didn't care if they got us!). Mark caught a couple, and believe it or not I actually caught some too. She is planning to go back again tonight!

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Panama City Beach
Yesterday Mark and I took Hayden Panama City Beach. We went to the Shipwreck Waterpark. We got there around 11:00am and the sign said the park opened at 10:30, so Mark and I thought WOW this is going to be great there is no one here. We will be able to ride everything over and over again. Well we forgot that Panama is an hour behind in time, so it was really only 10:00 and by 10:15 there were five lines of people trying to get into the park. Hayden wasn't impressed she had to wait, she was ready to go! She played on everything in the kiddie area; she went down every slide they had except the tunnel slide (for some reason she is now scared of those?!?!). We finally convinced her to go down one of the really big slides with Mommy and Daddy(it was a ride we could all do together on a tube). At first she looked like she was going to cry, so Mark and I started laughing and screaming and she was fine. She liked it so much we had to do it again. She has never had to wait her turn for anything, so Mark and I had to explain it to her over and over again , and all she would say was "well I want to go first".

After a couple of hours playing we decided it was time to eat some lunch. We ate at Hammerhead Fred's and it was really good. They had a game outside like the ones at Wal-Mart with the stuffed animals, except this one had LOBSTERS. The sign at the top says if you can catch one we will cook it for you. Well needless to say Mark and Hayden ended up spending $8, they did catch two of them, but the got away right at the end ( I think Mark was more disappointed than Hayden).

When we got done eating, Hayden wanted to play Putt Putt Golf. It was so HOT, but she really enjoyed herself. Mark wasn't impressed with his game of Putt Putt (he tries to play it like real golf). I think Hayden ended up winning. She would put the ball right at the hole and hit it in (that's a hole in one, right). However at the end of our game, Mommy actually did get a hole in one (Mark was very jealous).
She was so tired when we left to come back we thought she would sleep the whole way, but she only slept 20 minutes. Gracie stayed with Mimi and Pop. Gracie was pleased to have all the attention for one day. She was a very good girl. Mommy, Daddy, and Hayden missed her very much. Maybe next year she will be able to go and enjoy all the excitement.
Coming down on her belly:
Watch me Mommy and Daddy:
Trying to Catch a LOBSTER:
When we got done eating, Hayden wanted to play Putt Putt Golf. It was so HOT, but she really enjoyed herself. Mark wasn't impressed with his game of Putt Putt (he tries to play it like real golf). I think Hayden ended up winning. She would put the ball right at the hole and hit it in (that's a hole in one, right). However at the end of our game, Mommy actually did get a hole in one (Mark was very jealous).
Hole in One:
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Aunt Kim
Aunt Kim had to leave our wonderful vacation today to go back home and work. She is such a good doctor that she had to go back. Grandmama decided she needed to go back home too, we tried to get her to stay all week, but at least Kim didn't have travel alone. Hayden has enjoyed playing with Kim; they have built sand castles, played in the ocean, and built everything you can imagine with the lego blocks. They even took naps together; Kim would read until they fell asleep. Kim is always so good to Hayden and Gracie, she will play anything they want to (she is the best Aunt ever).
Before Kim and Grandmama left we all went to eat at the Owl Cafe (this is one of Kim's favorite places to eat). After lunch Kim took Hayden to the book store and bought her a couple of books to read for the rest of the week.
Kim and the Girls:
At the Owl Cafe:
We all love and miss you Kim!!!
More Pictures Continued:
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Beach
When Hayden woke up this morning it was like Christmas morning. We arrived at the beach around 12:30 this morning, so she wasn't able to see anything. Watching her face this morning made the 7 hour trip worth it. Hayden asked "Are we there yet" every 2 minutes, and she didn't go to sleep until we were about 30 minutes from the beach. Gracie did good except everytime we stopped the car; she would wake up and start crying. Thank goodness as soon as we were moving again she would go back to sleep. Everyone was very tired when we arrived, so we got the stuff out of the car and went to bed.

This morning we got up about 7:00 and ate a quick breakfast and headed down to the beach. Hayden was so excited she went straight to the ocean(she has always been a water baby). She played in the waves for a little while and then decided she wanted to play in the sand. This is the first year she has even noticed that there is sand.
Gracie didn't know what was going on this morning, this is her first trip to the beach. She really liked the sand; she crawled around everywhere and of course our little Hoover ate some too. She liked the ocean, but is still a little unsure of what is going on. I am sure by the end of the week she will be crawling straight into the water.
I Love This:
Hayden is so excited that everyone is staying in the same house. She is spending time with all her favorite people: Mimi, Pop, Kim , Grandmama, and of course Mommy, Daddy, and Gracie(notice we came last). Gracie is fine as long as she can see Mommy and Daddy, she hasn't figured out how this works yet!!!
It has been a very fun day. I know the rest of the week will be too!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
I have been packing for the beach today. We are leaving Friday night and traveling about halfway, so that the girls don't have to ride for 7 hours straight. We are going to St. George Island in Florida with Mimi, Pop, Kim and Grandmama. Mark and I were making a list of everything we had to pack last night, so I have been getting things together all day and crossing them off. It has been very interesting packing with the kids. I have packed every swim suit they have, every cute outfit (which is a lot), movies, games, ipods, kites, tennis stuff, and fishing poles. All I have left to do is some snacks and baby food for Gracie. Hopefully I won't forget anything. I guess if I do I will just buy it when we get there.
We are so ready to go. Mark and I are really looking forward to our vacation this year. Hayden will be so excited, she has always loved the ocean and beach. I can't wait to see Gracie's reaction. I am sure she will eat the sand (and everything else she can find). We are also planning a day trip to Panama City Beach to let Hayden go to the water park, play a little golf and whatever else looks like fun.
I can't wait to leave! It is going to be so much fun!
We are so ready to go. Mark and I are really looking forward to our vacation this year. Hayden will be so excited, she has always loved the ocean and beach. I can't wait to see Gracie's reaction. I am sure she will eat the sand (and everything else she can find). We are also planning a day trip to Panama City Beach to let Hayden go to the water park, play a little golf and whatever else looks like fun.
I can't wait to leave! It is going to be so much fun!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Busy Tuesday and Wednesday
Nana and Steve came to visit the girls yesterday. Hayden was very excited, Steve always takes her outside to play and, of course pretty much lets her do whatever she wants. Nana was excited to see Gracie pulling up and trying to walk. She let go of the furniture three times and tried to walk, but fell face first and cried really hard. I guess she just wants to take off and go.
After Nana and Steve left, Linda and Grandmama came for a visit. We all went to the get peaches from the this place in Watkinsville. Hayden was excited because they have homemade peach ice cream. She told everyone that she ate ice cream at a big barn with Grandmama. It was a nice day. After all of our company left we had a nice night with Daddy. He got home really early and we spent the evening outside grilling and playing.
Today we went to visit Mema and Pop. Pop is having outpatient surgery tomorrow, so we went to tell him that we love him. Mema is concerned about the surgery, but I am sure everything will be just fine. Hayden likes to play with all Mema's collectible dolls. When I was little I wasn't allowed to touch them, but somehow things are different with Hayden and Gracie. They have a step that goes from their den to the living room. All kids love this one step, so today Gracie found the step and tried to go up and down it. She can crawl up it with no problem, but hasn't quite figured out how to go down. It was cute watching her try to figure it all out.
After we left Mema and Pop's we went to swim with Kim and Mimi. Hayden couldn't wait to swim with Kim, it is always so much fun. We have enjoyed Kim being off on Wednesdays and inviting us to spend the day with her. Hayden looks forward to it every week. Grandmama and Linda also showed up to swim. Hayden was so pleased when Grandmama got in the pool today( she has been coming to pool for a couple of weeks but hasn't had her swim suit) . Linda and Mimi were like little kids in the pool today with Hayden. They were pretending to be sharks and crabs and chasing each other. I could tell they were having a great time. Gracie wasn't so content today in the stroller, so I played with her on all the beach towels, but she was still a very good girl.
We had a good time today and maybe we can do it again next week!!
After Nana and Steve left, Linda and Grandmama came for a visit. We all went to the get peaches from the this place in Watkinsville. Hayden was excited because they have homemade peach ice cream. She told everyone that she ate ice cream at a big barn with Grandmama. It was a nice day. After all of our company left we had a nice night with Daddy. He got home really early and we spent the evening outside grilling and playing.
Today we went to visit Mema and Pop. Pop is having outpatient surgery tomorrow, so we went to tell him that we love him. Mema is concerned about the surgery, but I am sure everything will be just fine. Hayden likes to play with all Mema's collectible dolls. When I was little I wasn't allowed to touch them, but somehow things are different with Hayden and Gracie. They have a step that goes from their den to the living room. All kids love this one step, so today Gracie found the step and tried to go up and down it. She can crawl up it with no problem, but hasn't quite figured out how to go down. It was cute watching her try to figure it all out.
After we left Mema and Pop's we went to swim with Kim and Mimi. Hayden couldn't wait to swim with Kim, it is always so much fun. We have enjoyed Kim being off on Wednesdays and inviting us to spend the day with her. Hayden looks forward to it every week. Grandmama and Linda also showed up to swim. Hayden was so pleased when Grandmama got in the pool today( she has been coming to pool for a couple of weeks but hasn't had her swim suit) . Linda and Mimi were like little kids in the pool today with Hayden. They were pretending to be sharks and crabs and chasing each other. I could tell they were having a great time. Gracie wasn't so content today in the stroller, so I played with her on all the beach towels, but she was still a very good girl.
We had a good time today and maybe we can do it again next week!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Stone Mountain Park
Mimi and I took the girls to Stone Mountain Park today. It was a great day because it wasn't so hot and it stayed cloudy most of the time. We rode the train, which is something Hayden loves, and Gracie ate her lunch on the train, which was a little interesting but worked out pretty well. After the train ride Hayden decided she wanted to play a little golf. Mimi and I were going to play too, but she was more excited about putting the golf ball at the hole and trying to hit it in by herself, and when she did get it she would yell "I did it". Everyone around us couldn't help but laugh, Hayden always makes everyone smile (she is just so cute). We made her take a break after her golf game and eat some lunch (we all needed to cool off a minute). Then Hayden wanted to watch the circus show, it was a little silly to Mimi and I, but Hayden thought it was very good. Then we went to an animal show with birds, rats, flying squirrels and snakes (it wasn't as bad as it sounds). Hayden loved it, she has been talking about it all afternoon. She is ready to go back so her Daddy can see it. We are planning another trip to Stone Mountain in the next couple of weeks to watch the Laser Show. We really enjoyed our trip today.
Looks like a professional to me:
Gracie enjoying the ride, and looking cute in her new outfit from Kim and Artie:
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July
Mimi and Pop always have a big party for the 4th of July. There is lots of swimming, food and fireworks; everyone always has a great time. Of course when we got there Hayden was ready for the pool, however the pool was a little cooler, so she didn't really want to stay in for a long time. She would swim in the pool for a little while and then get in the hot tub to warm up. The hot tub did feel really good after you got out of the pool.
Clay and Allison showed up with baby Katelyn (which made Hayden very happy). Katelyn is such a little cutie, and Hayden likes to give her kisses on the top of her head. She is so gentle with Katelyn, and is always so glad to see her. Hayden would make sure to check on her every so often. She would be in hot tub with Aunt Kim and say "I have to go check on Katelyn, I'll be right back."
Gracie played in her stroller most of the time, she did swim when we first got there, but she seemed to be content watching everyone around her, until she would see me and then she would cry for me to pick her up (she is such a Mommy's girl, but I do love it). We took her inside every once in a while so she could get down and crawl around, and of course pull up on everything. She is like a little Curious George.
We had BBQ chicken, cake, and homemade ice cream, all of which Hayden loves. Everything was delicious. I think Mimi slipped Gracie a little bit of ice cream when I wasn't paying attention. Hayden ate all day long and still had room for two cups of ice cream. I don't know where she puts it all (but at least she likes to eat good).
After a long full day of playing, we decided to let the girls get into the pajamas to wait for the fireworks. It was a great plan because I knew when we left they would both be so tired they would fall right to sleep. Pop and Mimi got some great fireworks this year. Hayden was very excited, this is really the first year she has understood what is going on. Gracie wasn't scared at all, but she was so sleepy, she just kept rubbing her eyes and putting her face on my shoulder. We got the babies buckled up and before we got to the end of Mimi and Pop's driveway they were both sleeping like little angels.
It was a very relaxing 4th of July and great celebration for Pop's birthday. It was so much fun that I didn't even take one picture!
Clay and Allison showed up with baby Katelyn (which made Hayden very happy). Katelyn is such a little cutie, and Hayden likes to give her kisses on the top of her head. She is so gentle with Katelyn, and is always so glad to see her. Hayden would make sure to check on her every so often. She would be in hot tub with Aunt Kim and say "I have to go check on Katelyn, I'll be right back."
Gracie played in her stroller most of the time, she did swim when we first got there, but she seemed to be content watching everyone around her, until she would see me and then she would cry for me to pick her up (she is such a Mommy's girl, but I do love it). We took her inside every once in a while so she could get down and crawl around, and of course pull up on everything. She is like a little Curious George.
We had BBQ chicken, cake, and homemade ice cream, all of which Hayden loves. Everything was delicious. I think Mimi slipped Gracie a little bit of ice cream when I wasn't paying attention. Hayden ate all day long and still had room for two cups of ice cream. I don't know where she puts it all (but at least she likes to eat good).
After a long full day of playing, we decided to let the girls get into the pajamas to wait for the fireworks. It was a great plan because I knew when we left they would both be so tired they would fall right to sleep. Pop and Mimi got some great fireworks this year. Hayden was very excited, this is really the first year she has understood what is going on. Gracie wasn't scared at all, but she was so sleepy, she just kept rubbing her eyes and putting her face on my shoulder. We got the babies buckled up and before we got to the end of Mimi and Pop's driveway they were both sleeping like little angels.
It was a very relaxing 4th of July and great celebration for Pop's birthday. It was so much fun that I didn't even take one picture!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Pop's Birthday Party
Hayden loves birthday parties, so everytime someone in the family has a birthday, she has to plan the party. Pop's birthday was yesterday so we had a Scooby Doo party. She made water balloons to fight with and chocolate cupcakes. She wanted pizza for dinner so Mimi and Pop picked it up on the way. When everyone got here, they had to play with the blocks (she loves to play with Kim and Pop) and then we ate pizza, had a water balloon fight, ate cupcakes, and opened presents. She always wants to wrap up her own books for someone to read to her, so she picked out a few of her favorites (about 10 books) for Pop to read before he could go home. She loves to read like her Pop and Aunt Kim (Mark and I are definetly not big readers). Gracie had a great time too, she got to knock over all the blocks and show everyone her new crawl. She kind of crawls and tries to stand up at the same time (it's a little different). She really wants to take off walking. We hope Pop enjoyed his party.
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