I hope Mark has enjoyed his Father's Day. We love him so much and want him to know he is the best husband and daddy ever. It has been a quiet day, and he has spent lots of time with his girls. He was going to take Hayden fishing again today, but it is just to
HOT, so they have been reading books and playing with blocks, which can be interesting because Gracie knocks over everything they build (Gracie just wants to play with daddy too).
Happy Father's Day. We Love You!!!I also have to share this with everyone:Gracie has been pulling up for the past couple of days. I went to get her out of her bed on Friday and this is what I saw.

She was so proud of herself, and today she has started walking around the furniture. It isn't going to be to long before she is walking. Her daddy has been holding her little hands and trying to teach her how to walk around the house.
I can't believe how big she is getting! How cute!!