Sunday we went swimming at Kim and Artie's. It was the first time this year. The weather was perfect and the water felt great. Hayden loves to swim. She swims in her little pool at our house almost everyday. She was so excited to go to the BIG POOL, as she calls it. It took her a little while to get used to the pool, but before we knew it she was swimming from Kim to Mimi, from Mimi to Daddy, and from Daddy to Mommy without any water wings.
What a great job!!!
Gracie played with Mimi and Pop for a while before getting into the pool. At first we put her in the little baby pool because we were not sure if she would like the BIG POOL. When I put her in the big pool I expected her to cry, but she loved it. She started laughing and splashing. I guess she is going to be a little water baby like her sister. She started fussing when she was ready to get out. We put her in her stroller and she ate her snack and took a little nap. She is such a great baby and so content. I am so glad she liked it. It is going to be a fun summer.
It was a great day.
Why did you expect your girls to be anything but water babies??? You've always been a water "baby". :)