We went to Mimi and Pop's house today. We ate lunch and spent the afternoon in the pool. It felt sooo good on this HOT day. We have been trying to teach Hayden how to dive, so I taught her how to lean down and go in head first (Mimi called it the frog dive). She was a little scared about going in head first, but of course after I helped her through it for the first time, she wanted to do it over and over again. Mimi and Pop also bought a slide for the pool. Hayden loved it!!!
Gracie played in her crab float in the pool for a while and then took a long nap in the shade. She loves to play in her stroller (thank goodness).
Hayden and Gracie are so lucky to have a very special Mimi and Pop. They are always excited to see them.
It was a great day. We had so much fun. Now we are home and have had dinner, Hayden is watching Peter Pan and Gracie is already snoozing.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Hayden and Gracie always play very well, but here lately they also have started fighting. Hayden wants Gracie to play until Gracie does something she doesn't like and then it's on. Hayden starts telling Gracie to stop and Gracie just screams (very loudly) back. It's kind of funny, but I know it's only the start of many fights. Hayden likes to race Gracie by crawling. Gracie knows how to crawl on her knees but prefers to still army crawl, so Hayden army crawls with her. It is cute but somehow Hayden always wins (she is like her daddy she always has to win). Gracie loves her big sister, she wants to do everything ( I mean everything) Hayden does. Hayden always wants Gracie to be in whatever room she is in, but Gracie is like a Hoover Vacuum cleaner and eats everything off the floor she finds, so I have to make sure I can see her at all times ( I clean my house everyday and she still finds stuff I miss). I love watching them play together, I hope they will always be close.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
I hope Mark has enjoyed his Father's Day. We love him so much and want him to know he is the best husband and daddy ever. It has been a quiet day, and he has spent lots of time with his girls. He was going to take Hayden fishing again today, but it is just to HOT, so they have been reading books and playing with blocks, which can be interesting because Gracie knocks over everything they build (Gracie just wants to play with daddy too).
Happy Father's Day. We Love You!!!
I also have to share this with everyone:
Gracie has been pulling up for the past couple of days. I went to get her out of her bed on Friday and this is what I saw.

She was so proud of herself, and today she has started walking around the furniture. It isn't going to be to long before she is walking. Her daddy has been holding her little hands and trying to teach her how to walk around the house.
Happy Father's Day. We Love You!!!
I also have to share this with everyone:
Gracie has been pulling up for the past couple of days. I went to get her out of her bed on Friday and this is what I saw.
She was so proud of herself, and today she has started walking around the furniture. It isn't going to be to long before she is walking. Her daddy has been holding her little hands and trying to teach her how to walk around the house.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Pulling Up
Gracie pulled up for the first time yesterday. Hayden and I were sitting on the couch and the next thing we knew there she was. We got so excited I think we scared her a little. She has only pulled up twice now, both times on the couch, but it won't be long and she will be pulling up on everything. I get so excited when she makes a new accomplishment. She is growing up as fast has Hayden did. I can't believe in only 2 1/2 months she will be one.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
What a Weekend
Hayden spent the night with Mimi and Pop Friday night, and of course she had an excellent time. They went to the Waffle House for breakfast, took a trip to the Game Ranch, ate at McDonalds for lunch and then went back to Mimi and Pop's house to swim. After they went swimming they took her to a steak house for dinner(what a lucky little girl). Who wouldn't want to spend the night with Mimi and Pop? I have a feeling she is going to want to spend the night every weekend, but I think Aunt Kim wants her next. She is already making plans to spend the night with Kim and Artie. The whole spending the night thing was very hard for the first time since she was sick last summer, but Mark and I made it through the night (it wasn't too bad). She was really excited to see us Saturday morning when she got home, we got really big hugs and kisses. Gracie missed Hayden too, she kept looking for her all over the house.
Saturday we borrowed Kim and Artie's pool. They weren't going to be home, and we never pass up an oppurtunity to go swimming. We spent the afternoon teaching Hayden how to swim, she is doing great She now jumps in the deep end and takes off swimming. She is a little fish. Gracie loves to sit on the top step and splash water. She thinks it is so funny. Today she tried to take off crawling on the step and got a sip of salt water, I thought it might scare her, but it didn't bother her one bit. It was a very good day, spending time with my family.
Today Gracie and I went to a baby shower for one of my friends, so Mark took Hayden fishing. She caught 25 Bream ( and not little bitty ones either ). She catches fish like Aunt Kim(they like to show them boys how to do it). She had a good time with her Daddy today. I have a feeling she is going to want to go fishing a lot. I'm sure her Daddy will be fine with that. He now has someone to go do the things he enjoys, instead of girly stuff. She has had a very busy weekend and she already wants to know what we are doing tomorrow.
Saturday we borrowed Kim and Artie's pool. They weren't going to be home, and we never pass up an oppurtunity to go swimming. We spent the afternoon teaching Hayden how to swim, she is doing great She now jumps in the deep end and takes off swimming. She is a little fish. Gracie loves to sit on the top step and splash water. She thinks it is so funny. Today she tried to take off crawling on the step and got a sip of salt water, I thought it might scare her, but it didn't bother her one bit. It was a very good day, spending time with my family.
Today Gracie and I went to a baby shower for one of my friends, so Mark took Hayden fishing. She caught 25 Bream ( and not little bitty ones either ). She catches fish like Aunt Kim(they like to show them boys how to do it). She had a good time with her Daddy today. I have a feeling she is going to want to go fishing a lot. I'm sure her Daddy will be fine with that. He now has someone to go do the things he enjoys, instead of girly stuff. She has had a very busy weekend and she already wants to know what we are doing tomorrow.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Gracie went for nine month pictures today. At first she just wanted to cry, but we managed to get a few good shots. She thinks now that she can move around she can just do whatever she wants to do. She just kept crawling away everytime we sat her in a position. She was very cute!!! After we got done with pictures she went to visit Nana and Steve, Mema and Pop. It was a fun and busy day for her. She is very tired this afternoon.
Hayden has spent the day with Mimi and Pop. I know she is having a wonderful time. She is supposed to spend the night, we will just have to wait and see.
Hayden has spent the day with Mimi and Pop. I know she is having a wonderful time. She is supposed to spend the night, we will just have to wait and see.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Nine Months
Gracie went for her nine month check up today, and of course she is perfect. She weighed 17 lbs 8 oz and was 28 1/2 inches long. She was only 30th percentile for weight but 80th percentile for height. I guess she is going to be tall and slender like Mommy. Dr. Beeber thinks she is doing very good and exactly where she should be. He even said she had cute cheeks and a perfect little face (of course I already knew that). The only thing different is that he changed her formula from soy to milk based(finally). I just don't think she likes soy, so far she has had two bottles with the new formula and seems to like it. She had just rather have baby food instead of her bottle. She wants real food like everybody else, I don't blame her the baby food doesn't taste very good. I always taste everything, I figure that is only fair if I am going to give it to her. She is getting ready to cut another tooth on the top, so she has been a little cranky, and instead of napping she now just plays in her bed, which makes her cranky too. It has been a fun afternoon. I am so glad we had a good check up. Mommy, Daddy, and Hayden love you baby girl!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Gracie's Swing
Mimi and Pop bought Gracie a new swing. I am so glad because now in the evenings we can go out and swing. I have not been taking Gracie out. I figured she would just eat the grass or sand, now that she is crawling it is hard to make her stay in one place. This afternoon,I went out and put the swing up. It is so cute ( I really like pink!!!). She was so exicited, she laughed the whole time, and she has the cutest laugh. It will make you smile everytime. Here she is trying out her swing.

Thank you Mimi and Pop.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Fun Friday
Mimi and Pop are both off on Fridays in the Summer time, so we went to visit today. We went to Babies R Us with Mimi and bought a few things for a baby shower this weekend for Stephanie. We also bought Gracie a pink swing to go on the big swing set (it is sooo cute). I can't wait to put her in it, she loves to swing. Gracie also got a pink polka dot swim suit. I just can't help myself when it comes to buying swim suits. They are just so darn cute. After we got done shopping we went back to spend some time with Pop. We ate some lunch and then Hayden decided she wanted to go swimming. Everyone knows that pool is always cold, but it actually wasn't bad. It was however a little to cool for Hayden so she decided to swim in the hot tub with all the bubbles.
Gracie spent lots of time with Pop. She didn't get to swim today, she enjoyed having all Pop's attention. She was such a good girl (as always).
Hayden has decided she is going to spend the night with Mimi and Pop next week. She really wanted to today, but her daddy wanted to see her tonight. We will just have to see, I have a hard time letting my babies stay away from home (I know I need to get over it). I just love my babies.
Gracie spent lots of time with Pop. She didn't get to swim today, she enjoyed having all Pop's attention. She was such a good girl (as always).
Hayden has decided she is going to spend the night with Mimi and Pop next week. She really wanted to today, but her daddy wanted to see her tonight. We will just have to see, I have a hard time letting my babies stay away from home (I know I need to get over it). I just love my babies.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Busy Weekend
We had a busy and fun weekend. Saturday we got up early and went to the grocery store (what fun). Then we came home to do a little spring cleaning. We finally cleaned and pressure washed our deck and got everything organized. Mark pressure washed for a long time and then he had to go and get all the trash together, so I took over. I started pressure washing everything on the deck ( you should never give a cleaning freak a pressure washer). I really enjoyed it, I guess because it was something different than cleaning the house and washing clothes. I must say the deck looks great!!!
Sunday we went swimming at Kim and Artie's. It was the first time this year. The weather was perfect and the water felt great. Hayden loves to swim. She swims in her little pool at our house almost everyday. She was so excited to go to the BIG POOL, as she calls it. It took her a little while to get used to the pool, but before we knew it she was swimming from Kim to Mimi, from Mimi to Daddy, and from Daddy to Mommy without any water wings.

Gracie played with Mimi and Pop for a while before getting into the pool. At first we put her in the little baby pool because we were not sure if she would like the BIG POOL. When I put her in the big pool I expected her to cry, but she loved it. She started laughing and splashing. I guess she is going to be a little water baby like her sister. She started fussing when she was ready to get out. We put her in her stroller and she ate her snack and took a little nap. She is such a great baby and so content. I am so glad she liked it. It is going to be a fun summer.
After a full day of swimming, we had hamburgers and homemade ice cream for dinner.
It was a great day.
Sunday we went swimming at Kim and Artie's. It was the first time this year. The weather was perfect and the water felt great. Hayden loves to swim. She swims in her little pool at our house almost everyday. She was so excited to go to the BIG POOL, as she calls it. It took her a little while to get used to the pool, but before we knew it she was swimming from Kim to Mimi, from Mimi to Daddy, and from Daddy to Mommy without any water wings.
What a great job!!!
Gracie played with Mimi and Pop for a while before getting into the pool. At first we put her in the little baby pool because we were not sure if she would like the BIG POOL. When I put her in the big pool I expected her to cry, but she loved it. She started laughing and splashing. I guess she is going to be a little water baby like her sister. She started fussing when she was ready to get out. We put her in her stroller and she ate her snack and took a little nap. She is such a great baby and so content. I am so glad she liked it. It is going to be a fun summer.
It was a great day.
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