Monday, May 29, 2017

New Title to fit our Life

Hayden wanted to know why I quit doing the blog.  It started first with I was just too busy.  Then it became something else that HAD to be done everyday.  It became a chore instead of something that I truly enjoyed.  I loved it when I first started doing it.  I loved it even more because I had lots of people that checked it first thing in the mornings to see what I wrote.  Then it was like pressure of updating the post and then waiting for 5 hours for the videos and pictures to upload.  Because lets face it that is what everyone wants to see. They don't really care what I write...they just want to see the good stuff.  Then it was me getting angry and the dang thing when it wouldn't update what I wanted it too....then it just ruined the dang night.  

So I have decided that this is more of a way to talk to my kids when they decide they want to read this one day.  A place for me to put down my thoughts for them to read.  A place for them to see how much I really do for them(haha).  A place for them to see how much I love them.  

So everyone was taking pictures on the last day of school, before school to show social media the first day of school picture compared to the last day of school picture.  Guess what not us.  We didn't have time to snap a dang picture before school on the last day of school. Because...I lost my last contact Friday morning and couldn't find it anywhere.  I was crazy, crying trying to find it. Finally, found it around 7:20 and we needed to leave around 7:45.  There was no time for that at all.  I felt bad but I mean that is just another thing that social media has made all moms feel like we have to do!  I consider myself to be very organzed and well planned but stuff like that is just crazy!  

Thursday night was Colton's Kindergarten graduation.  He was so stinking cute and I am so very proud of him. Even though he absolutely hates getting up early to go to school....he made it all year.  Only missed one day! I still can't believe that my last baby is 6 years old now.  We are officially done with Kindergarten at our house.  I find myself sad that my babies are getting so big but then it is quite nice not to have to pack up the whole house to go somewhere for the day!  He was so confident Thursday night, nothing shy about baby boy for sure.  I am pretty sure he is going to be a great leader! His teacher even said the same thing.  On the other hand, he may end up being the dang class clown too!  I love him and all of his silly traits.  He always makes me laugh even when I really don't want to.  I love that he still sits in my lap and tells me how much he loves me over and over again.  He loves me all the way to the moon and back, the north pole and back, and to the dinosaurs and back.  I mean that is a whole lot of LOVE there folks!  

Friday, Hayden graduated 5th grade! Wait!  What? Yeah, that is right 5th grade!!!  I can't believe that my first baby is going into Middle School next year.  Where, oh where does the time go! It really needs to slow down.  I'm not sure I am ready for Middle School, but it is here.  Her graduation cap that she had to make was perfect.  It was all softball related and I worked really hard on that hat.  That's right I worked really hard.   She did help but with our busy schedule I had to get it started for her.  She was super proud of how hard her Mama worked on that hat and she wore it proudly.  She got several awards at graduation.  She received A-B Honor Roll and the PE award.  She always gets the PE award.  I mean you have to absolutely love and admire her love for athletics and fitness.  I wish I had it, but I don't!  She also made the GWA Middle School Softball Team, which will add even more to our crazy busy schedule.  I don't care though because I love watching her do what she loves.  I am so excited for her to go down this journey with the school.  She will make so many memories this next year with her team.  

Gracie, my middle child didn't graduate from anything this year. She did receive one of best awards though.  She got the Citizenship award and the Math Award.  I am so proud of her!  She has really had to work her tail off at Math this year, but it paid off at the end of the year.  She is still riding horses for the Diamond D Cowgirls and loving it.  Right now she is helping train Peanut the Pony because she is the only person small enough to ride him.  She loves it...she has been twice to train and tomorrow she will get to do a trail ride on Peanut and Obstacle course.  She has trotted him and loped him.  It is so funny to watch because Peanut it so tiny he makes her look big.  

So here it is folks!  I am going to give it another try.  Don't expect too much because I really dislike the way you have to add photos on the blog.  Why can't they make it as easy as facebook?  

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