Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas Programs and Piano Recital

Thanksgiving was great as always.  Lots of yummy food and got to see all of  our family.  After a great meal we carried on the tradition of getting our Christmas Tree.  Of course, my kids are not lazy and are extremely our tree was up and decorated Thanksgiving night.  Our elves are back...Chipper and Snowflake and they have been very mischevious.  They cut Daddy's hair on their arrival.  No slackers in our elves.  The kids love it.  It is like Christmas morning every day around here.  They have gone deer hunting, built train tracks, taped each other up, had a piano recital and much more. 

Last week was a busy one.  Friday, Gracie had her Christmas Tree Presentation from her Seniors at school.  Her tree is absolutely amazing.  I have never seen anything like it...ever.  It is so pretty that there were people wanted to buy it or just take it home with them.  It is so pretty that I kept it in the living room instead of her room.  Good thing she likes to share!  She has two amazing seniors.  They gave her a stocking with tons of great girl stuff in it and took her to the Japanese restaurant to eat after the program.  She is one lucky girl. 

Saturday...Hayden had an all day Softball tournament.  She played great in all games.  She pitched the third game.  I love watching her play.  She did a fantastic job.  At first she held them to 4 runs until the 3rd inning and then she got upset and walked several....however she came back and struck out the last one.  She struck one girl out all three times she came up to hit!  She was nervous but as always held her own and showed everyone how Hayden can play ball.  Watching her pitch stresses me out but she always proves to me that she can do it.  She is one strong little girl!

Sunday, Gracie had her first piano recital.  I was so sure that she would not perform but she did amazing.  She wore her beautiful dress and played like a star.  I was so very proud of her, she also amazes me at how she can perform in front of a room full of people and do it very well!

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