Friday, February 6, 2015

9 years old

Be still my heart.  How can it be that my sweet baby girl is 9 years old today?  Today we will celebrate you,  my sweet, beautiful, intelligent, caring, loving, athletic, determined, confident and perfect baby girl.  Nine years ago today you changed me from just Jennifer Stancil to Mommy!  You stole my heart as soon as they placed your sweet face in my arms.  I knew that my life had changed but only for the better.   You have no idea how much Daddy or how proud of you we both are!  We feel that we are the lucky ones because we get to be your parents.  It is funny how at nine years old you have taught me things, like sometimes you just have to ride bikes through mud puddles or jump in puddles or just sing in the rain.  I love that you love to sit up later than Colton and Gracie to watch special shows with just me....we love The Voice and American Idol!  I love that you copy every thing I the way I get ready.  You don't know that I watch you but I put your clothes on the same way, put your makeup on the same way (only for play).  I love that you want to wear all of my very special jewelry, even though you are not supposed to touch it.  I guess what I am trying to say is that you are really growing up!  Even though I think you are growing up way too fast, I enjoy doing all of these new wonderful things with you.    I hope you have the happiest birthday ever.  This is the last year of single digits for you!    As always, reach high and aim for the stars sweet girl.  You can do anything and every thing.  You are the most determined, confident person I know and you are going to achieve some really wonderful things in the years to come.  You just always know that we love you to the moon and back and infinity.   

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