Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Holiday and Softball Practice

Yesterday was a holiday it was President's Day so that meant no school!  We went to Mimi and Pop's house and picked Mimi up and did a little bit or maybe I should say Hayden and Gracie did a lot of shopping.   Those little girls like to look fashionable and they each have their own taste and preference.  Hayden is all into peace signs, so she picked out a jacket and shirt with peace signs on them.  She got her pink and gray Nike's she wanted for school shoes.  She was excited.  Gracie likes purple, so she picked out several purple things and then all of the sudden she wanted a yellow skirt and shirt, who knows where that come from!  They both got some really nice things and both of them got pink, sparkle shoes...now that is very important to all little girls.  Colton went along with us and lets just say he is definitely a boy.  He doesn't enjoy shopping at all.  He just wanted to run around and throw all the stuff off of the shelves and racks.  It was quite interesting.  He ended up getting several pairs of shorts and shirts.  We couldn't find any shoes for the little man though.  I guess we will keep looking.  Thanks Mimi and Pop for all the clothes and shoes for all of our babies! 

Then we all met Grandmama and Linda for lunch at Chili's.  They were very busy but it was still a fun and good lunch.  Aunt Linda kept Colton outside for the most part, trying to keep him entertained.  They also got some Valentine candy and coloring books from Aunt Linda when we got ready to go.  They are so lucky to have so many people that care and love them so much.  After that it was back to Mimi and Pop's house and the girls had fun building with lincoln logs.  Hayden was really into it, Gracie couldn't really figure out how they all worked.  Colton just destroyed every thing they built. 

They all 3 fell asleep on the way home, which was good because we only had about an hour and half before Hayden had to be at Softball practice.  She was so excited.  I got in the yard with her before we left and practiced some throwing and she was ready to go.  She played 3rd base last night and it made me so proud when other parents kept saying "wow that girl has an arm".  I love it!  I am so very proud of her and how hard she tries.  She did really well, she did let one ball by her, but that was it.  They are going to have a good team this year.  The Ducks are going to be fired up and ready to go by March 9th.  She didn't get a chance to practice hitting last night until the very end and she was pretty much frozen.  She did hit 3 out of the 10 pitches but she could have done better if her hands weren't red and frozen.  Oh well, she still did an excellent job and I can't wait to watch her play at games. 

Hayden's house with a chicken coop.  Notice the chicken sitting on the it! Silly girl!  Also notice that Colton was ready and waiting to knock it over.

Love, Love, Love this little boy! Hayden took this picture but I love his smile.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for Hayden's softball season. I enjoyed the updates last year. It is such awesome sport but I am a little bias and I am sure Mark is too. Goooo Hayden!

    Little man Colt is as cute as ever! Love hearing about all the babies!

    -Cousin Erica
