So as I was cleaning the house yesterday...I know you are all surprised. Right? I noticed that there were lots and lots of gun shots being fired off in my yard. I knew that the big child...aka Mark was outside with guns shooting at targets, but there sure were a lot of shots going off. I went to the window to notice that my two daughters are outside learning to hold, shoot and take care of a gun. They were shooting a Chipmunk 22, whatever that means. I guess you can all tell that I don't know a whole lot about guns. So I went to take some pictures and see how they were doing. This is not the first time Hayden has practiced but it was for Gracie. She has always been a little stinker and wouldn't try anything new...but she is finally coming out of her shell. Thank Goodness! Mark held the gun for Gracie because they are heavy and well lets just she isn't quite big enough to do it all by herself. She also blinks every time she shoots so I don't believe she actually hit the target. But at least she did try and she loved it. She kept asking if it were her turn again. So proud of my little girl!
Hayden on the other hand, is a great shot. She only missed the bullseye about an inch to the left. She did it all by herself and she was so very proud. Then Daddy got out the big gun...his AR 22 and I wasn't sure how I felt about that. However, once I saw Hayden holding it up ready to shoot...All I could think was Watch Out Little Boys she knows how to use it!!! She will definitely be able to take care of herself! Great Job Hayden as always you are good at everything you do! So glad they got to spend some valuable time with their Daddy learning how to do things he enjoys.
In the words of their Daddy...Watch out boys they are being raised right so treat them right!
See what I mean...She knows what she is doing! |
Bullseye! |
Don't know why it is uploading my picture like this, but look at her learning! |
Now Daddy? Can I shoot now?
Bring out the bricks to put on their heads. I'm not ready for them to grow up so fast. Before you know it Colton will be out their too!