Well, Friday and Saturday were Hayden's Recital and she did Fantastic! Fantastic was the song they tapped to and I love Ballet was the ballet song. She was by far the most beautiful girl there. The recital was so good, Ms. Marie and Charlotte's School of Dance put on an amazing show. It was very interesting! I was amazed at how well everyone could dance. Hayden has come a long ways since her first recital at 4 years old. She has learned so much this year. Thanks to Aunt Linda for watching Colton and Gracie on Friday night since it was so late and thanks to Laura for watching Colton on Saturday for us. Don't know what we would do without our wonderful family. Gracie went Saturday to watch with us, I had to stay in the back with Hayden and her class and help them get backstage and back to the room. It was very interesting trying to keep up with 14 little girls. Hayden was so glad that I was there, she always wants me to volunteer. Gracie loved the show and has decided that she wants to do point and tap. I don't think she is old enough for point yet, but she can do ballet and tap, she is so excited she has been dancing around the house for days in her tap shoes that Mimi and Pop gave her for Christmas.

After the show on Saturday, Hayden immediately put on her softball uniform and went to play ball. You should have seen the faces on people at the recital when she came out dressed for ball. I even heard one man say "that girl plays Allstars too" like Wow! What can I say she is good at everything. They lost their game, but Hayden had two amazing hits and was able to get the ball in the outfield and chunk it back in and I do mean chunk it. She amazes me with how strong her arms are!!! She did a great job, considering how tired she was.......we were at the recital from 8-12pm Friday night, back Saturday morning 10-2 and then batting cages at 2:45 and game at 3:30. They placed 3rd place for this championship so they got their medals after the game which made some happy girls! Needless to say she went to bed early Saturday night!!!

Oh and we are...............going to see...................THE FRESH BEAT BAND in Concert in August!!!!!! Hayden and Gracie are so excited, it is kind of for Gracie's birthday since it is Aug. 26th and her birthday is Sept. 2nd. She says that this is her birthday party...I told her we would still have her a party and she said she just wants her friend Madison to spend the night with her. So I guess we will see if she changes her mind. Hayden wanted to sit on the front row so they would pull her on stage, unfortunately Mommy and Daddy can't pay $293 for one ticket so we told her that she would have to sit a little further back! Silly girl!
Oh, one more important thing that happened Saturday!!!! Colton is officially WALKING! He is into everything and walking every where. Now I have to find him some shoes to fit his fat feet. I have tried on every kind and his foot is too chunky for all of them. I finally found some NIKE sandals but they are kind of slick on the bottom. Let the shopping begin! He is adorable walking around. He looks so big and we turned him forward facing in the car and he LOVES it. It is such a great thing when they turn around, the girls were the same way it changes the car riding experience. He is such a sweet baby boy! I love him so much and am so proud of him! Now the girls really can't get away from him...heehee!
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