Saturday, September 17, 2011

Where to Begin?

I stay so busy that my poor blog is getting harder and harder to update.  I love to use the blog for two reasons...1.  Everybody can keep up with what is going on and 2.  It helps me make sure that all three of their baby books is up to date!   Okay well lets see if I can remember everything from the past week...Gracie is still loving school!  Colton started laughing out loud on Tuesday and I must say it is the cutest little laugh ever.  He almost rolled over on Friday,  I give him a couple more days and he should have it.  He loves for people to sit and talk to him, especially Mommy and long as he has my full attention everything is fine!  I don't want to jinx myself but he has also slept for 12 hours straight two nights in a row.  Mommy is going to feel like a new person really soon.   Hayden is doing great!  She is the star of her Soccer team, it really is such a proud feeling when all the other parents on the team are complimenting her and cheering her on!  It is truly amazing as to how competitive us parents become watching our kids!!!  She is doing great in school and we are working hard on a couple more challenges and site words to turn in on Monday.  I know she will do great, Mrs. McDaniel says she is a sweetheart, but we already knew that!   We all went to the Pep Rally at GWA on Thursday, it is so cute to see all the little ones on the field, Hayden doesn't really understand what a pep rally really means but it was still fun.  She also went to the Homecoming Game at GWA Friday with Mimi and Kim.  They said she really enjoyed playing with all her friends and meeting the girls on Homecoming Court!  She really is getting big and more interested in big girl things.   She isn't supposed to be growing up this fast!   Aunt Kim brought her home after half time of the game and she was so tired she fell asleep as soon as she got in the bed.  

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