Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First Day of K4

Well today I have updated my blog twice!  We have been very busy this week!  Today was Hayden's first day of K4 at Mimi's school (aka George Walton Academy).  She was excited this morning but I think she was also a little nervous.  She wasn't a big fan of having to get up at 6:30 this morning, she really enjoys sleeping late and watching her shows in the mornings.  However, she was a good sport and got up the second time I told her to.  I had fixed her oatmeal and had it waiting for her to eat, she loves oatmeal but this morning she wasn't very hungry.  I kept telling her that she would be when she got to school, so she had to eat a little bit at least.  She finally took about 6 bites and then she was ready to go.  She wanted to wear her plaid jumper for her first day.  It was so cute on her, she looked simply beautiful, as always.  I took a few pictures but she kept giving me the fake smile instead of her beautiful, perfect smile. 

Honestly, I think I was more nervous this morning than she was!  It was completely different for me too, we were used to the way things were done at the Preschool last year, but now all of the sudden everything was different...car pool, teachers and friends.  Once we got to the school, I felt better because Mrs. Sherre, which is her teacher was the one to get her out of the car.  She welcomed us with happy good mornings and was telling Hayden what a fun day she had planned for them.  Hayden got really excited and almost slipped out of the car without giving me a good bye kiss.  Of course, I held up the whole car pool line to make sure I got my kiss!  She never even looked back, she is such a big girl!  Yes, as I pulled away the tears started coming, but I actually didn't cry as much this year as I did last year when it was just Preschool.  Mimi had called on our way to school this morning and wanted Gracie and I to stop by her office after we dropped Hayden off, so I dried up my tears and we went to visit Mimi.  Mimi wanted to go watch Hayden go from the cafeteria, which is where all the kids go until 8:05 and then they walk with their teachers and classmates to their classrooms.  I decided that I wanted to go watch her too, so we did and everyone that passed us told us we were like spies. Oh well, what can I say?  A couple of the other mothers stopped to spy with us when they realized what we were doing!!!  When she saw us she just smiled that beautiful smile and walked right passed us with her class and once again she never looked back. 

I went back to get her at 12:00 and Mrs. Sherre put her in the car and her face was as red as it could be, they had been playing on the playground.  Mrs. Sherre said they had a great first day.  She said that all of the kids were so smart!  Hayden said that she had a fun day, but just like last year she doesn't want to talk about it until she is ready to talk about it!  All I can get out of her is that she had fun and she wants to go back again.  Sorry I know everyone was hoping for more details but that is all I can get out of her today and I have been trying for hours now!  Maybe she will have a little more input tomorrow.  Oh and she lost her hair bow on the first day of school, somehow I am not surprised.  Hopefully Mrs. Sherre will find it and send it back tomorrow...I laughed when Mrs. Sherre said to put their name on the hair bows, now I am I so glad I did! 
I surprised Hayden by taking her by Mimi's office after school and then we went to lunch at the Chinese place that she loves so much! 

First Day of School:


Gracie wanted her picture taken too!

Ready to Go!

Going to class:

She is the one with the pink Princess book bag!  Her book bag is almost as big as she is!  I think Mrs. Sherre is trying to figure out what we are doing!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't she precious! It is now day three and all I've seen is smiles! I love you girl!

    Love MiMi
