Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter Bunny left some special baskets for two precious little girls Saturday night.  Sunday morning Hayden woke up and jumped out of the bed to see what he had left, Gracie still had no clue what was going on but she was very pleased when they entered the living room and there was candy and toys!  Hayden was so excited about her puzzles and Princess and the Frog nightgown, that is what she had asked for!  Gracie really only cared about the M&M's and the ball that she got.  They both had a healthy breakfast before getting ready to go to Nana's, Mema's and Grandmama's...It consisted of M&M's, cotton candy and Reese's!  I figured it was okay to splurge for Easter, Right?  The girls were beautiful in their matching Easter dresses!  Of course they are always beautiful! First we went to see Nana and Steve's house and Hayden had to swing, which was a little scary for Mommy. I could just see her getting that beautiful white dress all dirty.  Then we went to Grandmama's to have lunch and the Easter Egg Hunt.  Hayden was so excited about hunting eggs and well once again Gracie was like okay, whatever, but she did enjoy opening the eggs up and eating whatever was inside, and we found out that she REALLY likes white chocolate! Hayden and Gracie were excited to see Katelyn too, and did I mention that Katelyn looked just like a little Princess.  Hayden really enjoys playing with Katelyn and Gracie finally came around a little at the end of they day.  Gracie is a very busy little girl, she doesn't stay still for too long!  It was such a beautiful day spent with all of our wonderful family! 

Hayden and Gracie want to thank everyone for all the Easter gifts.  They really racked up from Aunt Kim and Uncle Artie, they went to the best place ever,  THE DISNEY STORE!  Hayden can hardly wait to try out her new Princess swim suit and beach towel and Gracie is going to be the cutest Minnie Mouse ever!  Mimi and Pop also gave the girls a basket full of goodies that had sunglasses, bubbles, books, puzzles and more CANDY!  Nana gave the girls one of my old classic Disney movies Lady and the Tramp and Hayden got some bubble gum, that is the one thing that Nana always has to have if Hayden is coming over!  Mema and Pop gave them both a stuffed bunny, boy these girls are going to confuse Easter with Christmas!  Mark and I have two LOVED little girls!!!!!!!!!!! 

I know, I know everyone is just ready to see the pictures, Well here they are:

The Easter Bunny left some baskets:

She LOVES M&M's:

Swinging at Nana's:

Trying to get a good picture of them together...

Still trying...

Still trying, but Gracie decided Daddy needed a kiss:\

Finally got one...

Everyone always says there are no pictures of me, that is because I am the one always taking the pictures:


Princess Katelyn:

Katelyn liked sitting in Hayden's lap:

Gracie loves white chocolate:

She found a BIG one:

I love that smile:

I love these even though neither one of them are looking at me, I think they are just precious:

1 comment:

  1. You got some great pictures! I guess it helps to have beautiful girls to photograph. You all looked great. I don't know if it's a secret, but Clay started a diet today. He said that he was motivated by Mark! I know they can both do it!
