Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Time Out for Hayden

We have had an exciting afternoon. After I picked Hayden up from school we met Mimi and Kim for lunch at Hayden's favorite place(Chinese), at least she doesn't always pick McDonald's like most kids would. Gracie will definitely be one of those kids that always wants McDonald's...She LOVES chicken nuggets and french fries and doesn't like any vegetables. Hayden has always eaten well, she will try anything at least one time and usually she likes it(she even eats cooked onions and bell peppers). Once we got done eating we came home to do our usual things. Hayden and Gracie played in Hayden's room...They played dress up and babies and had all kinds of fun! I love listening to Hayden be the Mommy and of course Gracie is always the baby. I don't think Gracie minds she just enjoys playing with Hayden. Well, Gracie always takes an afternoon nap around 4pm, so I put her down for her nap and Hayden wanted to know if she could watch her shows in Mommy's room. I told her that was fine but she needed to clean up her room a little first. At first she says okay, and I didn't think anything about it because usually she goes in there and at least cleans up half of it and I help her with the other half(I know Gracie always participates in the mess too, but she isn't quite big enough to clean, so I do her part). Well, then she says "Mommy I'm done" and I thought there is no way it has only been two minutes, so I went to see and she had her door closed and laughing. I knew she was joking so I opened the door and told her that she better get busy and she says "Okay", so I heard her close the door and then she called me again, so I went to see what she needed this time and she was completely under the cover of her bed and laughing. I told her that she was making a bigger mess instead of cleaning up the mess and she said "I know". Anyways this went on for a little while, in the meantime I was cleaning up their mess in the living room and getting every thing ready for dinner. I am steadily in the kitchen getting things together and Hayden walks in the kitchen and says "My door is locked so I can't clean my room, so I guess I can watch my shows now" and I thought yeah, right she is just kidding. No she wasn't kidding at all the door was locked and the room wasn't clean, she thought she was really good...She had figured out how to trick Mommy. She wasn't so excited about her plan when she got in big trouble and had to go sit in Time Out while I called Mark to figure out the best way to get into her room. He told me to stick a nail in the door knob and it would open, well anyone that knows me knows that when I did this the whole nail ended up in the doorknob, which made me very upset...So I went for the credit cards and got it opened! Mark thought this was all very funny, all the good stuff always happens to Mommy! Once I got her door back opened I told her she could come out of time out and I ask her why she locked her door and she says "I didn't" so I asked her how did the door get locked and closed and she says "Gracie did it". Hayden then told me she was so sorry and then she fell asleep on the couch.

Now as I am typing this, it is very funny, but it wasn't funny at all when I was trying to get the door opened!!!!

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