Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Activity Table

We had a fun weekend and today Hayden and Gracie went back to school.  Colton gets Mommy all to himself for three days a week anyway.  He is such a little copycat, he does every thing I do...from making faces, trying to repeat what I say and sweeping.  He loves to sweep!  He is my little man, he is growing up so fast.  Mimi and Linda found the perfect activity table for his room. He already loves it but he is really going to enjoy it when he starts playing with trucks and building trains. He loves blocks just like his sisters do. He really enjoys destroying whatever they are building the best though. He thinks it is so funny, however the girls do not.  Gracie usually gets pretty upset and stomps off.  Hayden tries to be a little more patient but in the end gets upset too.  But guess who is still laughing.  That is right....Colt Man!  He is truly all boy and we sure do love him!

Here are some pictures that I created.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Squirrel Hunting

Hayden finally got to go hunting for the first time yesterday.  Since she has learned to shoot her gun, she has been asking when she could go hunting with Daddy.  Clay and Mitchell wanted to go squirrel hunting, so Mark decided to take Hayden too.  They also asked Tyson and his daughter Hannah to go and Tyson has a squirrel dog, so that made things a little more fun too.  Hayden looked so cute, even though I was informed you're not supposed to dress up for hunting.  She had her pink and camo, boots and hat and she was adorable and ready to go.  She had so much fun, but said that it was a lot of walking and she fell one time.  She didn't shoot one while they were hunting.  Mitchell shot one, Mark shot one, and one got away.  Then they all decided to have a little bit of lunch at the Good Hope Store and came back to our house so that Mitchell could shoot a few other guns here.  They all had a great time and I am sure it is something Hayden will always cherish....hunting with Daddy! 

Well, after Mitchell and Clay left, Mimi and Pop came over for dinner.  Hayden was playing outside and she came running in and said "Daddy there is a squirrel out there in our yard and it is like posing at me and I want to shoot it".  So being the awesome Daddy he is, he got the gun and off they went squirrel hunting in our woods.  We all heard the shot and then we see a big smile and Hayden caring a dead squirrel.  She shot it all by herself with no help from Daddy.  She was so proud.  She is planning on taking the tail to school for show and tell....I am not so sure about that!  This little girl always amazing me at the things she can do.  Good shot sweet girl!!!!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

So Proud of Gracie Leigh

Well today I am a very proud Mommy once again.  This time it is because Gracie got an excellent progress report from Preschool today.  She is doing awesome in everything.  She is such a smart, amazing little girl.  Her favorite things to do at school are the playdoh table(go figure), art station and the music station.  I am not surprised, she loves to sing and dance.   She also loves to draw, color, paint and play school.  Playdoh has always been one of her favorite things, mainly because I don't allow playdoh at my house unless it can be used outside.  I am probably the only person in the world that doesn't like playdoh.  I don't like the way it smells, feels or anything.  She knows all of her colors, days of the week, basic body parts, pledge to the flag, and shapes.  She even surprises me with some things she already knows.  She also has a great big sister that helps her learn things really fast too! 

This is the comment at the bottom of the progress report....
Gracie is such a sweet, kind little angel!  She is doing well in all areas.  Gracie enjoys the playdoh table, art projects, and music.  She is just so easy to have around.  I know you are so proud of her!

Yes I sure am so proud of her.  Of course I was so proud, I might have cried a little bit reading this!  I have so many proud Mommy moments, especially since I have some amazing kids! 

Gracie Leigh,

Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you.  You keep up the great work Pootie Pooh!  You always make us laugh and smile, you are such a silly little girl sometimes, but that is what makes you our one and only Pootie Pooh.  I love that every morning in carpool you start every sentence with...Mommy, do you remember when... or Mommy do you remember when I was a baby....  Sometimes you remember things before you were even born. Those stories are my favorite.   I love it though, I will always treasure our morning little talks.  I can't wait to pick you up in the afternoons because you are so eager to tell me all about your day.  You get in the car smiling your biggest smile and ready to talk.  We are so glad that we get to be your Mommy and Daddy!  You aim high and reach for those stars because you can do anything in the world.  You are so caring, kind, silly, smart, beautiful, independent, sometimes outspoken, and well just an amazing little girl.  However, you do not like to be picked on or laughed at, you can show that you also have a temper.  WE LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK BABY GIRL. 

Love Always,
Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sweet Babies

Yesterday, we all got back to our schedules.  Hayden and Gracie went back to school and Colton stayed home with Mommy and helped clean and fold clothes.  He is such a big helper!   By that I mean, I pretty much do everything twice.  The girls had a great day.  Gracie was very eager to tell me all about her day.  Hayden, not so much but she did say she had a good day.  Colton was glad to see them, he really missed them entertaining or being mean to him.  Hayden is so excited about her ipod...itouch that Santa brought.  Mommy finally got everything set up with her own email, so she can imessage and email, which no one can have except immediate family...which is also monitored by Mommy because everything she gets on her phone also shows up on my ipad and iphone.  No sneaking around here! Yes, I am going to be that MOM!   She is so excited about face time. She can now talk to her best friend Kierstin and see each other.  They are hilarious.  They were showing each other all of their Christmas presents and they even let their American Girl Dolls talk to each other too.  I can only imagine what the teenage years will be like with those two!  Hayden sits in my room with the door closed so none of us can hear her conversation.  I hate to tell her but Mommy has really, really good ears!  It is cute though.  Gracie is not really liking being left out, unfortunately I only see that getting worse as they get older.  I can understand Hayden's point but Gracie is pitiful as she sits at the door crying to go in.  Hayden now can face time with Mimi, Pop, Kim and Artie.  She called everyone last night and was so happy when she got done.  She wanted to know if she could call anyone else. 

While Hayden was face timing with Kierstin, Gracie and Colton were sharing some chips and watching shows in Gracie's room.  They were so stinking cute that I had to take a picture.  Colton loves to say Cheese now, which makes the picture process a little bit easier. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Tooth Fairy and Pixie Dust

Well, Hayden lost another tooth Wednesday night right before bed.  This is her 3rd one!  She was so excited, she had to call Mimi and Pop and tell them all about it.  She kept going to look in the mirror and then she carefully put her tooth in her tooth fairy pillow.  Then she decided that because of Jake and the Neverland Pirates show that she wanted her tooth fairy to leave her some pixie dust to fly with.  She actually wrote a note and put it beside her bed!  Imagine mine and Mark's face as she told us this.  How in the world is the tooth fairy going to pull this off without disappointing her.  So the tooth fairy found a glass of water and then put food coloring aka pink lemonade in it and left her a note back that basically said...she dipped her wings in the water so that Hayden could see what color they were but that she couldn't leave pixie dust because then she couldn't fly back home.  Hayden loved it but I think she still really wanted to fly. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hog Hunting and New Years!

So the girls and Colt Man decided they wanted to go hog hunting this weekend.  Well, just pretend hog hunting in our yard.  It is so funny.  Hayden watches the show about hog hunting with her Daddy and figures out what she is supposed to do.  Well, when they didn't catch any hogs, Daddy decided to take them fishing.  Colt Man didn't get into the fishing this time.  He just wanted to run around and try to fall into the water.  So, Mommy ended up sitting in the car with him and giving him all sorts of snacks and juices.  Hayden had lots of fun and was very determined to catch the most fish.  Gracie caught 2 fish and then she played in the grass.  She was also very cold and then decided to get in the car with Mommy and Colton.  Hayden was still determined and kept right on fishing.  It was fun watching them have fun with Daddy. I know he enjoyed it. 

The girls are really enjoying their playhouse with all their dress up stuff and new mirror.  They really are two pretty princesses. 

Colton loves his new jeep, Gracie also loves it and drives him all around the yard.

Hayden loves her new desk from Mimi and Pop.  She is a real school teacher now.  Gracie wants one now!

New Years Eve we spent a nice evening at home with our babies.  That is the most important people to bring the new year in with.  The girls did stay up and watched the peach drop with us.  Colton was in bed around 9pm, he was a tired boy.  It was a very nice New Years Eve and I got to kiss all my babies.  They didn't really understand it but they were so excited to be part of it. 

Tomorrow, Hayden goes back to school and next week we all get back to our regular routine.  Hayden and Gracie are signing up for softball and T ball this year.  So we are going to be busy, busy, busy!