Colton wore his first hat today! It was so cute on him, he is so precious. His outfit also said that he was a "snappy dresser". I know he is a boy but I still change his clothes and take pictures of him like a baby doll. It is a must to have a picture of him in all of his cute outfits.Right! He still looks just like his daddy, sure is a good thing his daddy is the most handsome man in the world!
Here is the handsome little boy:
Oh and Gracie is doing excellent with her potty training. She hasn't had any accidents so I think we may have officially survived. It was a rough start! She is so very proud of herself too. In fact when she was at Mimi and Pop's last weekend she called me to tell me that she went poopy at their house! It is funny that we all get so excited about using the bathroom but whatever works!!!
Today is the day that I start helping Hayden with her reading too! She has a list of words to learn for K5 and Aunt Linda gave me lots of great stuff to get her a head start with. Thanks again Linda, she is really excited about her books and also for making two copies of everything so Gracie thinks she is reading too!!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Yesterday Mimi came to our house early to let the girls help her stain the swing set, monkey bars and play house. Hayden and Gracie were very excited, well that is until Gracie got upset and said she was "Never going to paint again" not sure why she gets so upset but I am hoping that it is a stage of the 2's!!! Mimi said that she poured her paint out and then got mad, who knows, she can be so silly sometimes. Hayden and Mimi continued to paint until lunch time and then Hayden came running in the house to tell me it was so Hot and we needed to go swimming. She said she wanted to go to Mimi and Pop's house to swim, which was fine because Pop was already off work too! I called Mark to ask him if he was okay with the girls spending the night with Mimi and Pop and he said yes...this is where the big surprise came into play...I came back into the living room to ask Mimi if the girls could spend the night. I could tell she was shocked, for those of you that don't know, I don't usually like for my babies to be gone! I took the girls to Mimi and Pop's house since Mimi was in the convertible and Mark refuses to let them ride in it. Once we got to there Aunt Linda called and said that Grandmama had to come hold Colton, she ended up holding him for a good hour or so, she is so sweet with him...she talks to him and rubs his little back and he just sleeps away in her arms. The girls didn't even care that I was leaving, I got quick kisses and they were off to swimming again. Gracie will not wear the water wings anymore and she pretty much stays underwater, like Hayden. They were having so much fun!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
One Month Check Up
Today was Colton's one month check up and of course he is perfect. He weighed 11lbs and was 22 1/2 iches long, which means that he was 85th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height. He is a big boy but it is funny because he doesn't really have any fat rolls,he is just thick! Dr. Beeber said that eveything looked great and he would see us again at 2 months. Dr. Beeber also said that maybe we should try some rice cereal in his bottles to make sure he is getting satisfied, being that he eats 5oz every 4 hours or less right now. I gave him his first cereal bottle this afternoon and he liked it so we will see if this helps Mommy get a little more sleep at night. Although the past two nights he has gone to bed at 9pm and sleeping until around 3am, I can deal with that too! He is also in his room now in his own little bed, which I think he likes a lot better than the bassinet. I was worried he would wake the girls up in the middle of the night but they don't hear a thing, but they always come get in the bed with me when Mark goes to work in the mornings.
Gracie is still potty training and she hasn't had an accident in two days! She even went to Nana's today and didn't have any accidents there either. Last time I bragged on her she quit going to the potty and we had to start all over, hopefully that doesn't happen this time. She also slept in panties last night and didn't wet the bed, I forgot to put a diaper on her when she went to bed but I was so excited that she did so good last night. She was excited too, of course with me and Hayden jumping up and down and clapping, who wouldn't be excited!
Gracie is still potty training and she hasn't had an accident in two days! She even went to Nana's today and didn't have any accidents there either. Last time I bragged on her she quit going to the potty and we had to start all over, hopefully that doesn't happen this time. She also slept in panties last night and didn't wet the bed, I forgot to put a diaper on her when she went to bed but I was so excited that she did so good last night. She was excited too, of course with me and Hayden jumping up and down and clapping, who wouldn't be excited!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
One Month Old
Today Colton is a month old. I know it is so hard to believe. This was one fast month! We love our handsome little boy so much. We go for his one month check up on Thursday to see how much he weighs and to get a shot...I don't think he will enjoy it but it has to be done, it is usually harder on me than it is on them! I always cry because they do. We love you baby boy!!!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Father's Day
We celebrated Father's Day this weekend and my babies are so lucky to have such a great Daddy! He loves his babies more than anything in the world. Every day when he comes home from work is Father's Day because the girls take off running and I do mean running out the door and greet him at his work truck(after it stops of course) and the whole time they are screaming DADDY'S HOME! He has to watch Hayden do the monkey bars and push Gracie on the swing before he can even come in to hold Colton! I know it makes his day every day, it's nice to be so loved.
Saturday, we went to the grocery store and it was Colton's first real trip out of the house. It didn't really go as smoothly as planned but oh well. Colton ended up making poopy and being hungry while in the store and the girls wanted to hang of the buggy like monkeys. Once we got the girls straightened out and feed big boy, it was a little better. After the grocery store, we went to see my Pop. The girls enjoyed their visit and then we came home to cook dinner and enjoy the RAIN. We also bought Mark's Father's Day gift and made it in front of him...Sorry but it has been kind of hard to get out and about for the past couple of weeks. He still loved it anyway! They made him a stepping stone and we put the girls hand prints on it and then they painted it for him. They were so proud of it and that is all that matters.
Sunday we went to Kim and Artie's house to celebrate Father's Day with Pop. He loved his picture that I made for him on shutterfly of the girls and little man. The girls had so much fun swimming and Mark even taught Gracie how to swim, yes that is right...she is swimming without her water wings. She did excellent and wasn't scared at all. She was even going all the way to the bottom to get diving sticks, with a little help of course. I guess know we have two little fish. My baby girl is getting big, she wants to be just like her big sister.
Gracie was pretty much potty trained until Sunday and then she decided to go backwards, so I feel as if we are starting all over again but so far this afternoon she is doing better. I really don't know what happened but I guess it is just part of it. Hopefully she will back on track tomorrow! Now I just have to figure out how to get Colton to sleep at night and not want to party and we will be good! I know it is part of it but Mommy really likes to sleep from 2am-6am.
Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Men in our lives. We love you very much!
Little Mermaids:
Getting the diving sticks:
Started out in water wings
Daddy's girl:
Daddy's Girls:
Gracie swimming:
Saturday, we went to the grocery store and it was Colton's first real trip out of the house. It didn't really go as smoothly as planned but oh well. Colton ended up making poopy and being hungry while in the store and the girls wanted to hang of the buggy like monkeys. Once we got the girls straightened out and feed big boy, it was a little better. After the grocery store, we went to see my Pop. The girls enjoyed their visit and then we came home to cook dinner and enjoy the RAIN. We also bought Mark's Father's Day gift and made it in front of him...Sorry but it has been kind of hard to get out and about for the past couple of weeks. He still loved it anyway! They made him a stepping stone and we put the girls hand prints on it and then they painted it for him. They were so proud of it and that is all that matters.
Sunday we went to Kim and Artie's house to celebrate Father's Day with Pop. He loved his picture that I made for him on shutterfly of the girls and little man. The girls had so much fun swimming and Mark even taught Gracie how to swim, yes that is right...she is swimming without her water wings. She did excellent and wasn't scared at all. She was even going all the way to the bottom to get diving sticks, with a little help of course. I guess know we have two little fish. My baby girl is getting big, she wants to be just like her big sister.
Gracie was pretty much potty trained until Sunday and then she decided to go backwards, so I feel as if we are starting all over again but so far this afternoon she is doing better. I really don't know what happened but I guess it is just part of it. Hopefully she will back on track tomorrow! Now I just have to figure out how to get Colton to sleep at night and not want to party and we will be good! I know it is part of it but Mommy really likes to sleep from 2am-6am.
Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Men in our lives. We love you very much!
Little Mermaids:
Getting the diving sticks:
Started out in water wings
Daddy's girl:
Daddy's Girls:
Gracie swimming:
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Our Babies
Here are a few pictures from this morning. Colton is starting to stay awake for a little bit so I was able to get a few cute ones.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Everybody compares Colton to his sisters. Most people say that he looks just like Hayden and I thought so too but I can see a lot of similarities between him and Gracie too! In my opinion all 3 of them look a whole lot like their Daddy!!! I guess it is confirmed that we have two beautiful daughters and a very handsome son! Take a look at some old pictures and see what you think.
This is my FAVORITE picture of him....Colton:
3 Weeks
Colton is 3 weeks old today! It is hard to believe that it has already been 3 weeks. He is still a great baby...he eats and sleeps, although for the past couple of days, he has started staying awake for about 2 hours or so. He just looks around and loves his play mat, with all the colorful toys on it. He still loves his swing, not to sure about the bouncy seat...he will sit in it for a few minutes and then he is done with it! He absolutely loves his baths on the nights he gets them. Oh and he has lots of people taking care of him, especially his big sisters. They want to help with and I do mean everything! We are enjoying our baby boy so much! We have such a wonderful family!
Gracie still likes to pet Colton, even though we correct her every time she says it. She also says that he has spit out all the time, not spit up...spit out. I guess to a 2 1/2 year old that makes much more sense. She hasn't been jealous at all but she does like to sit with me and help feed him. She is potty training this week and she has done okay, but I am serious about it this time. There are no more excuses...I am not pregnant and miserable anymore, so we are going to get this done this time. She did poop in the potty this morning but she was upset that she got some in her panties. She wasn't quite fast enough on letting me know. She has wet several pair of panties and I do punish her when she does, because she knows what she is doing. I guess we will see how she does!
Hayden as always is a huge help. She is enjoying Colton and being at home for the Summer. She is such a sweetie and will do anything to be like Mommy. The only bad thing is that she also throws fits like Mommy too, which I may have to work on a little bit. We are working on site words this Summer since she will be reading next year. That is hard to believe, she is growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday she was my newborn baby!
Gracie still likes to pet Colton, even though we correct her every time she says it. She also says that he has spit out all the time, not spit up...spit out. I guess to a 2 1/2 year old that makes much more sense. She hasn't been jealous at all but she does like to sit with me and help feed him. She is potty training this week and she has done okay, but I am serious about it this time. There are no more excuses...I am not pregnant and miserable anymore, so we are going to get this done this time. She did poop in the potty this morning but she was upset that she got some in her panties. She wasn't quite fast enough on letting me know. She has wet several pair of panties and I do punish her when she does, because she knows what she is doing. I guess we will see how she does!
Hayden as always is a huge help. She is enjoying Colton and being at home for the Summer. She is such a sweetie and will do anything to be like Mommy. The only bad thing is that she also throws fits like Mommy too, which I may have to work on a little bit. We are working on site words this Summer since she will be reading next year. That is hard to believe, she is growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday she was my newborn baby!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
2 week Check Up
Yesterday was my first outing by myself since Colton's arrival. We got to go back to Dr. Beeber's office for our 2 week check up, I know doesn't sound like much fun but I was really excited about getting out, driving and doing it all by myself! I took the girls to Nana and Steve's house while Colton and I went to the doctor. The girls were also excited to get out for a little while, but I will say they have been really good sports about adjusting to having a newborn and not being able to go out in public for 4-6 weeks. Colton weighed 9lbs 6oz and he was 21in. Dr. Beeber said that he is doing great and is a very healthy baby boy! He had gained 10oz in one week and grown 1/2inch too! I sure do love my baby boy...He and he loves his snuggling time with Mommy too. In fact I think he may already be a little rotten but I don't care because he is my baby! He is still such a good baby, he eats 3-4oz every 3 hours and let me just say it is like clock work, he means business about his food. He also still sleeps a lot except from 3am-5am, for some reason he likes to stay wide awake and wants to play with Mommy instead of going back to sleep. We are working on this problem, but since he is the 3rd child I know that this too will pass with time and to just; enjoy every part of the newborn stage while I can(sometimes in the middle of the night I have a different opinion). He also got to take his first real bath the other night and just like the girls, he loved it. I sure was glad because the sponge baths are hard and no matter how hard you try to keep them warm, they get cold. The girls are still totally in love with him also, Hayden loves to hold him and Gracie still PETS him. Even though we have tried to explain to her that she is loving him...she still insists on petting his head! I guess it is cute to her and she has been great with him too, and no jealousy at all!!! I know I say this all the time but I have 3 little angels and they are all so sweet!
Handsome little boy playing on his mat:

Silly Boy:
Big sister playing too:
Hayden's Dinner:
Hayden took this picture of her room:
This is Hayden and Gracie's pet is dead but they are taking care of it anyways:
Bath Time:
Handsome little boy playing on his mat:
Silly Boy:
Big sister playing too:
Hayden's Dinner:
Hayden took this picture of her room:
This is Hayden and Gracie's pet is dead but they are taking care of it anyways:
Bath Time:
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Today we took Colton for his one week check up, he has only gained an ounce since Saturday, but Dr. Beeber said that is fine but would like to see him again next Thursday just to make sure he is still gaining weight. Everything else was perfect and he was such a good boy the whole time. He is now 8lbs 12oz. He loves to eat, he is eating 3oz every three hours, so I would say he has a good appetite. He sleeps very well at night, sometimes he is a little rotten and likes to be held by Mommy instead of sleeping in his bed but I am okay with that too, after all he is my baby! The girls love him so much and are so proud to have their baby brother here. I think lots of people thought Gracie would be jealous but so far she has been great! She loves her brother and wants to help just like Hayden. We have been blessed with three wonderful babies!
He looks just like his Daddy!
They are so proud!
He looks just like his Daddy!
They are so proud!
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