Thursday, March 24, 2011


Gracie is at the silly age.  Everything she does is cute and I have recently started taking random pictures of her.  She loves to cook the play kitchen.  The other morning she wanted me to help her put on the apron and hair net.  The hair net came from Hayden's field trip to the Mayfield Dairy, but it works well in their kitchen.  I know I don't want any hair in my food!  She is so silly, she has finally gotten to the point where she will smile and say cheese for the camera...well for me anyway.  However, we are going to try some professional pictures in the next couple of weeks again and we'll see how she does. 


Looking at that little chef in training...

Whew, I'm tired after all that cooking...I want Pooh!!!

This is how Gracie has to eat Spaghetti O's!!!

I also got a call yesterday from the First Baptist Church that Gracie is going to preschool at and she will be in the 3 day class now.  Sorry someone else had to cancel but I am glad she gets to go for 3 days instead of 2.  I think she is going to like it.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Colton's Room

I finally got my baby bedding for Colton's room.  Mark and I got it all set up on Friday night with a little help from our little angels.  The girls are starting to get excited about Colton.  Gracie now kisses my belly and says Baby!  Hayden has always gave him kisses, but she knows more about what is going on.   They were so excited about his room!  It turned out great!  I love, love, love his room and all I really have left as far as decorating goes is a rug.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

3D/4D Ultrasound

Yesterday we went for our 3D/4D ultrasound to see baby Colton!  We invited Aunt Kim and Uncle Artie to join us.  First we ate at the Vortex and it was so yummy...I was the only one to eat more than half of my lunch, but I am blaming it on the growing, handsome little boy in my belly!!!  We also got confirmation that he is still a little boy, he was proud of his stuff and showed us proudly.  It was a great afternoon and it got even better once I saw my baby's handsome, precious little face.  Colton was so good yesterday and because I had drank lots and lots of water, we were able to get great pictures of him.  He gave us the thumbs up one time, completely covered his face with his hands a couple of times and even showed us that he can put his feet up to his head.  It is amazing how much you can see on these things and I can't decide if he looks like Hayden or Gracie, he definitely has their noses...which is a very cute little nose.  Oh and I almost forgot...HE HAS HAIR!!!  Neither one of the girls had hair until they were about two!!!  Other than that, I think he may have his own little look, which is perfect too!  I can't wait to have him in my arms and see his handsome face in person.

Here are the pictures of Baby Colton...Due June 6, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weekly Recap

Monday - Hayden had a TBall game and she wasn't as nervous this time!  She hit much better and was a little upset that she had to play in the outfield,  because she didn't get to catch any balls.  I explained to her that everyone had to have a turn catching.  She is so cute out there, and so into it!  She has practice on Thursday night and another ball game on Monday evening. 

Tuesday - Hayden had ballet and she really likes it too!  I got a little information on her recital this week.  The recital is May 21st and 22nd at 2pm.  She has to go both days and apparently we have to find out how many tickets we are going to need because only 4 of them are free.  The rest are only $5 a piece but I am wondering if she only gets so many tickets.  There will be more information to follow!

Wednesday - I had a baby doctor appointment.  It was a good appointment.  Everything was normal and Colton's heartbeat was in the 140's, which is great.   Dr. Garrett asked if the baby was active.  My answer was YES he is VERY active, whenever I am sitting I can watch my belly moving all around, in fact this morning he woke me up...I am thinking that he completely turned this morning, being that it was really strong.  I love feeling him move around, it is one of the best parts of being pregnant.  Mark always tries to feel him moving but the little stinker stops as soon as I put Mark's hand on my belly!  Oh and Dr. Garrett also said that I had gained 7lbs in 2 weeks, all I can say is that all the birthday cake that I have been eating was yummy!  She told me that she wasn't too concerned with my weight being that I am so tiny, it is okay for me to gain a little more than average!  I am still on track for my weight gain because I didn't gain hardly any weight until my 2nd trimester. 

We stay very busy at the Stancil house, and to think in the next year Gracie will be old enough for extracurricular activities.  I have to admit that I love it, even though it is very busy!  I love being a stay at home Mommy with my girls and boy!  I get to be there for everything and that is so important to them!!! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Go Padres

Hayden had her first TBall game yesterday!  I am so glad that the weather was warm and beautiful for it.  She did really well, but I could tell that she was nervous about all the people watching.  I told her for her game on Monday, to just pretend that she is at practice.  The only reason I know that she was really nervous was because she didn't hit the ball very good, at practice she knocks it really hard.  She also kept her fingernails in her mouth, hope she doesn't take after her Nana and bite nails.  All that really matters is that she liked it and had fun!  We are so proud of you Hayden!!!

Gracie really likes Colton's bassinet!

She liked it so much that she even took a nap in it!

Coach is telling her what to do when the game starts

Catching those balls

Waiting Patiently

Ready to Hit

Good Job Baby!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

5 Year Check up

Hayden had her 5 year check up on Thursday.  I had already told her that she had to have one shot this time, at first she got upset but we told her that she had to have it to go to school and  play ball!  She got okay with it after that and kept telling us that she wasn't even going to cry!  She was 75th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height.  I guess she got her height from me and my side of the family, which is the only thing she got from me because she looks just like Mark!  Well I take that back, she did get blue eyes from me!  She passed her hearing test with flying colors.  She also has 20/20 vision, she could even see things out of one eye that I couldn't see with both eyes and contacts in!  Hopefully, she will not get the bad eyes that everyone in my family seems to have!  I told her that now it has been confirmed that she can see and hear perfectly, so she has no excuses.  Dr. Beeber said that she is perfect, but of course we already knew that.  She let him check her ears, teeth and when he wanted to listen to her chest...she took deep breaths without even being asked, she has learned that from Dr/Aunt Kim...I thought it was cute!  She also answered all of the safety questions with a correct answer and then she scored a high five with Dr. Beeber for being perfect and he gave her the good news of...this is the last shot she has to have for a couple of years!  Ms. Pat, our nurse came back to give the shot(chicken pox) and she told us that she is so good and acts like such a big girl.  Mommy held her hand and Daddy held her leg as the shot went in and would you believe she didn't even flinch, cry or anything.   All I can say is What a BIG GIRL.  After such a great check up, we went to Dairy Queen for ice cream!!!  We Love You Hayden!!!

Mema and Pop gave Hayden and Gracie some new Sketchers Twinkle Toe shoes, for those of you that don't know these are hot stuff right now.  The girls absolutely LOVE them.  They are very colorful and they light up they walk.  I have never seen Hayden so proud of shoes, she has been wanting them for a while or I guess I should say since she saw Kierstin's.  It is quite cute that she has her own taste of clothes and shoes forming. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Whoo Hoo

I passed my 3 hr glucose test on Monday!!!  I am so excited that I don't have to be on a diet while pregnant, even though I should probably still really think about my food choices!  I tend to blame it on Colton...whatever he wants to eat is what I feed him.  Monday when I did my test all the nurses laughed when I came in because they knew how much I was dreading it.  The only flavor they had was ORANGE again and I can't even begin to describe how yucky it is.  When you have to do the 3 hr test, they take your blood before you start and then every hour on the hour afterwards.  The Lab Corp lady, who I got so acquainted with was Rhonda went to draw my blood and she said that she could tell that I hadn't eaten or drank anything because my vein wasn't popping!?!  I thought okay, so she tried to poke me anyway and then she wiggled around a good bit and finally she said..."You're not giving any blood this morning."  I thought great, now what?  She finally got the other arm to work and so the process begins.  After all that with my arm, I had to drink the YUCK drink and every swallow was horrible!  Once I got it all down she sent me back out to the waiting room to wait for the next 3 hours.  You would be amazed at how some people look, act and talk at a doctors office.  I got to see all kinds of people!  I felt pretty good at first and was excited about it and since I had to do the same test with Hayden and Gracie I was hoping I wouldn't feel sick the whole time.  However, after about 30 minutes the nausea started and I got extremely sleeping but there was no napping because there were 3 newborn babies in the office and they weren't happy campers but they were all very cute!  Finally after the first hour past I started to feel much better!  I went to pick up Hayden and Kierstin from school and then we went to Chick-fil-a to eat and play.  The girls had fun and I guess I should say that I did too because my meal consisted of a #1 combo, side salad and a piece of cheesecake and yes I ate almost all of it!  I also felt a 100% better after eating!  I am so glad that my test had good results and I only have 12 more weeks and my baby boy will be here!!!

Tuesdays are busy days for us.  Hayden has Ballet and TBall!  We have ballet at 5pm and TBall at 6pm.  I take all of her stuff in the ballet place and we change really fast to go play ball.  We are always a little late on Tuesdays but she gets right out there and starts playing.  One of the parents last night said that he really liked that she did ballet and TBall, that it was kind of like a sweet and spicy.  I thought it was pretty cute because she can be very girly and she can get dirty and play hard like the boys.  I really think she likes TBall, we haven't even had to encourage her to participate.   She loves to hit because she always hits the best, of course. The part that amazes me is that when she is out in the field, she always makes sure to try to get the ball.  She did so good at practice last night, that I even had some of the parents tell me what a great player she is and that she hits really well!  That always makes a me a proud Mommy!!!  She was also so good in the field that the coach finally moved her more to the outfield position so that the other kids could get the ball!  Now by saying this, every practice is not always the same but last night she was really into it!  As I have said a million other times, she always makes us a proud Mommy and Daddy!  Her first game is Saturday at 3pm and I can't wait to see her all dressed in her uniform and playing. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Birthday Weekend

Saturday we celebrated my Mema's 80th birthday!  We all spent the morning at her house and had KFC for lunch and yummy Caramel Cake for dessert.  She loved the flowers that the girls gave her and I gave her a birthday card, which made her was absolutely the perfect card for her!  I love my Mema so much and she has had a hard time since Pop has been in the nursing home.  She didn't even want to celebrate her birthday without him, but we told her that she was going to celebrate her 80th birthday with us Saturday and Sunday, she could spend the day with Pop!    After Mema's party, Hayden and I went to Kendall's birthday party, Kendall is a girl in Hayden's class.  It was at the bowling alley and boy was it LOUD and dark.  Hayden enjoyed it or I guess I should say...she enjoyed playing with all her friends.  They were all dancing instead of bowling, but I guess all that matters is that they had fun!  Mark and Gracie spent some quality time together while we were bowling.  I was teasing Mark when I left and told him that there was a load of clothes to fold in the dryer and the floors needed mopping!  He just looked at me like I was crazy, which was exactly what I expected!  However, when I got back home, my house smelled like Murphy's oil soap and it took me a minute to realize that he really did mop!  I couldn't believe it, but I was so totally made my night!  Later when I went to get the shower ready for the girls, I noticed that he had also folded the clothes that were in the dryer.  Once again I was so excited, it was really sweet that he did those things.  I gave him a big hug and kiss and told him how much I appreciated it and he said that he only did it because he felt sorry for me because I am pregnant and starting to get fat!  He didn't really mean that, he was just joking or at least I hope he was! 

Sunday we celebrated Mimi's birthday!  Hayden was so excited about Mimi's present, we had bought her a charm bracelet and Hayden and I ended up with one too!  I didn't think the bracelets would fit Hayden, but it did and she is so proud of hers.  She shows it to everybody!  We also bought Mimi a Lemon Cheese Cake for her birthday and it was also very yummy!  Kim and Artie brought steaks and scallops for dinner, everything was delicious.  I don't think anyone left hungry!  It was a fun day but the only problem was that everybody wanted to be outside because it was so pretty but it was just too cold and windy! 

It was a very busy weekend but it was fun!  Hope everyone enjoyed their birthdays!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Yesterday I finally got Gracie moved completely into Hayden's room!  I am so excited, I have been dreading it for months, but once I got started it was very easy and I had lots of memories as I went through their drawers!  I found things I had put up, like special cards I have received, special outfits, and both of their first baby dolls(the really soft ones)!  I couldn't believe that I fit two sets of little girl clothes into one room, but I did!  I also weeded out a lot of things before moving everything.  I took out stained clothes,  clothes that are to small,  and put up clothes that Gracie will not wear for another couple of years!  I now have Colton's room ready to go, just waiting on his bedding to get here and my project will be complete.  Then it is time for the next project...buying some new, blue things....bibs, burp clothes, onesies, and some more clothes for my sweet little BOY!  You see we don't have anything in this house that is not PINK!  I found all of my bottles, so now I just have to boil them good and buy new nipples for them...I don't think that I will need to buy anymore!  I am so excited about his room, I just can't wait to have it finished!

Oh and I have to take the 3 hour glucose tests again this pregnancy!  Hopefully it will come back with better results! 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Missing Pooh Bear

Gracie has a Pooh Bear lovey that she carries around everywhere, and I do mean everywhere she goes!  She also has to have Pooh immediately if she gets hurt, embarrased, or tired!  I have always been able to keep up with Pooh Bear until recently and we have certainly had some serious scares.  First, we were in Wal-Mart last Friday doing that fun weekly grocery shopping, when she decided that she is too big for the buggy...I knew this day was coming but I was hoping it would be more like after Colton makes his arrival.  Finally, I let her walk with me and she does good but gets easily distracted, she had to have Pooh Bear to walk with her, even though Mommy tried over and over again to tell her that Pooh really needed to stay in the buggy.  As we are finishing up with our groceries on my favorite cream aisle...I noticed that she didn't have Pooh Bear, so I frantically started looking all over the buggy and it wasn't there, so I asked her "Where is Pooh Bear"  and she replied with "I don't know" and even shrugged her shoulders.  At this point I felt like I had lost a child, yes that is how important Pooh Bear is.  I started back tracking all through the store and still couldn't find it and finally I decided we would have to go to customer service to see if someone had been nice enough to turn it in, so we went back down the Easter Candy aisle, yes they already have Easter stuff out and when we past the suckers...there sat Pooh Bear on the shelf!  I was so relieved and she picked it up and started hugging Pooh Bear.  Even though she is 2, I tried to explain to her that she has to keep up with Pooh Bear or give it to Mommy!  It was a great grocery shopping day!

Second time Pooh went missing was Saturday, yes the very next day...Are you seeing a pattern?   I knew that Pooh Bear was in the house because she hadn't been outside with it.  Hayden and Gracie were both in the car buckled up because we were going to eat dinner with friends.  Mark and I were frantically running around the house looking in all the famous hiding spots that we usually find Pooh Bear and I was going crazy because I knew it had to be somewhere in the house.  Finally, we went outside with flashlights, yes it was already dark and searched all around the yard and still nothing.  After about an hour or so, Mark told me that I had to give up because we had to go meet our friends and eat!  I wasn't happy about it because I knew she was going to be asking for Pooh Bear especially since she was tired and riding in the car but I decided that we would stop at Wal-Mart and try to find a replacement until we could find Pooh Bear.  We ate dinner and then I ran in Wal-Mart and got a replacement, which I figured she would trow back in my face because it was blue and an elephant, but it was all I could do at this point.  When I got back to the car she was very pleased with her new elephant and immediately went to sleep with it!  Mark asked me if she would have put Pooh Bear in our dog's cage that he had given to our next door neighbor earlier in the evening and I thought about it for a minute and realized that yes, she had been playing with the cage earlier in the day!  At last hopefully Pooh Bear was at our neighbor's house, so on the way home we stopped at our neighbor's and there was Pooh Bear in the cage with the dog!  Hip Hip Hooray!  I was so relieved, but apparently our neighbors thought that it was one of the dog's was soaking wet with slobber and very dirty, so before I told her we had found it, I stayed up while everyone else was sleeping soundly to wash and dry Pooh Bear before morning!  The next morning she decided that she really liked elephant and didn't  need Pooh Bear, I must say I was disappointed but I knew she would eventually change her mind, so I packed Pooh Bear in my purse so I would have it.  As of today she carries both Elephant and Pooh Bear around everywhere we go!  Oh well maybe I have a better chance of keeping up with one of them! 

It is amazing how attached they get to things...Gracie has had Pooh Bear since she was 3 months old and she loves it so much and even though she loves Elephant too...I don't think she will ever truly replace Pooh Bear!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Doctor Appointment

Today was my 26 week check up and I had to take my gestational diabetes test.  For those of you that don't know, you have to drink a bottle of orange sugar drink.  It is awful, awful, awful...did I mention it is awful!  I wasn't looking forward to it at all so I made my appointment for 9am, which meant that the only thing I could have this morning was water...yuck!  They give you 5 minutes to drink this nasty stuff, which seems like a long time but when every swallow feels as if it is coming up instead of going down(sorry but that is really how it was) it is a very short time!  The lady that was watching me drink this bottle of nasty, saw that I getting pale and she told me that if I did get sick, I would have to drink another bottle. At this point I made a deal with went something like this....Please oh Please baby boy we have to keep this down and once we get done Mommy will go get you something yummy to eat!  We managed to keep it down and get the bloodwork done exactly one hour after drinking the bottle of nasty and we were free to go!  I also saw the doctor while waiting to have my blood drawn, Colton measured exactly where he should and his heartbeat today was 140bpm and sounded perfect!  He is also on my sciatic nerve which makes my leg hurt very badly, doctor informed me of a couple of exercises to try to get him to move around some to relieve some pressure. When I got ready to make my next appointment she told me that I would come back in two weeks!  I can't believe that I am already at the point where I have to go every two weeks.  I know that June 6th seems forever away but it seems like it is coming really fast to me....I guess because I still have a LOT to do!  I have ordered his bedding and cleaned out most of Gracie's clothes and moved them to boxes or to her new room, so I am getting there.  I can't wait to get his bedding to put it all in the right place!